How To Reduce The Pain Associated with Divorce

Law Blog

Let's face it; divorce is never going to be easy. Certainly, some couples can maintain a level of maturity and discuss things calmly, but in many cases, this can all dissolve into acrimony, which is in nobody's best interest. If you face this unpleasant event ahead, how can you avoid some of the mistakes that many have made before you?

Avoid Those Mistakes

In the world of divorce, a mistake can often be translated into a monetary loss. You will need to avoid making any, if at all possible, and may need to be "hardheaded" as you proceed.

Don't Waste Your Time

Sometimes, you may find it difficult or impossible to converse with your former partner, and in this case, trying to negotiate may simply be a waste of time. If there is a history of betrayal, or you may feel that they do not care for you or even the children any longer, you should get professional help. An attorney will deal with the negotiation without any emotional hindrance.

Commission A Valuation

During a divorce settlement, the property owned by both people is put into a central pool for distribution. Don't rely on assumptions when it comes to valuing your own personal property, whether that involves certain possessions or even a business. You need to get an analysis from an impartial expert, even if this means a valuation fee. Where you jointly own property, the other party may even be responsible for half of any valuation fee in any case.

Go Ahead With The Filing

The sooner that you file in court, the better. This will help to concentrate the attention of all parties and should bring matters to a conclusion sooner than otherwise. While it may sometimes be tempting to try and reach an agreement out of court, this can often result in unproductive weeks and months, unwanted monetary spending and emotional heartbreak.

Leave The Children Out Of It

Finally, don't be tempted to use the children as some kind of bargaining tool when attempting to get what you want. This entire situation can be difficult enough for them as it is, and you should put their welfare ahead of anything else. If your former partner seems to want to do just that, discuss this carefully with an attorney.

Get The Right Type Of Support

It's never easy to go it alone, and while you may have the emotional support of some close family members, you can benefit from professional guidance as well. Bring in an experienced family law attorney, and they will help you get through this as painlessly as possible.


24 May 2022

Broken Crockery: Focus On Finances Instead Of Throwing Plates

I work as a counsellor for couples going through a divorce. Obviously this is an emotional time and it is often a miracle that I manage to coax the former partners into the same room. There are two themes which occur regularly in my work. The first is that my clients often confess to throwing plates at each other. The second is the amount of money the divorce is costing because they cannot come to an agreement. Over the years, I have learnt that satisfied divorcees spend more time getting legal advice and making sound financial decisions than throwing crockery. In the course of my work, I have gained a considerable understanding of legal issues related to divorce. I share this blog in the hope that this knowledge will help you make sound decisions that lead to future happiness. I wish you all the best.