How To Navigate Co-Parenting During Your First Post-Separation Holiday

Law Blog

The holidays can be difficult for ex-partners who are co-parenting. Both parties may want to spend time together with the kids during holidays, such as birthdays, Christmas Day and New Year's Day. It's vital to create a plan that will account for the interests of both the parents and the kids. With this in mind, here are a few tips to help you navigate co-parenting during your first post-divorce or post-separation holiday.

21 October 2021

What To Look For In Your Lawyer's Contract

Law Blog

You will be overwhelmed when looking for a lawyer to represent you in a criminal or civil hearing. A mistake that most clients make is assuming that all lawyers offer the same quality of services. However, this is far from the truth. A lawyer's engagement contract will give intricate details about the services they will offer and how the lawyer relates with clients. Below is an article discussing some of the details you should look out for in a lawyer's contract.

12 August 2021

Conveyancing Process When Buying a House

Law Blog

Conveyancing involves the legal processes undertaken during the purchase or sale of a property. Due to its complexity, it is not something you can do by yourself. Thus, you need the help of a professional conveyancer proficient in the processes. They will assist you in financial matters, searches, tax adjustments, document verification, and zoning enquiries, among others.  The property buying process involves numerous steps. However, these steps are not always the same since each process has its unique challenges.

3 May 2021

A Guide to Serving Divorce Papers

Law Blog

Serving your spouse with divorce papers means presenting your spouse with documents that notify him or her that you have filed a divorce petition with a court. These documents also contain details about the various things you want from the divorce. Filing A Divorce Petition A petition is a document that contains details about your marriage. For example, you may include your name and that of your spouse, names of children if you have any, a list of separate property and marital property, where you stand with child custody and property settlement, whether you want spousal support, etc.

4 February 2021