Aspects to Consider When Hiring a Criminal Lawyer

Law Blog

Many people do not know the value of freedom until they are locked up for a criminal offence. Therefore, whether you have committed a crime or not, it is crucial to look for a criminal lawyer to represent your case. While a good criminal lawyer will work hard to win a case, the reduction of a sentence is logical in some cases. That said, hiring the right criminal lawyer depends on various aspects.

State of Practice

A criminal lawyer must have a practising certificate to provide legal counsel to a client. However, solicitors are restricted from practising law in certain territories if they are not licensed to provide legal services in those areas. For this reason, you should hire a local criminal lawyer because of the guarantee that they can practice law in the state that you are being tried. If you opt for a lawyer outside your state, you must confirm that they have offices in your state. Hiring a solicitor who is not licensed to practice law in your territory leads to delays in a litigation process, jeopardising your freedom.


There is no doubt that a criminal lawyer will represent a person charged with any criminal offence, be it murder, robbery with violence, or fraud, among others. It is precisely the kind of legal service you get when you are assigned a public defender. However, while a public defender might have criminal law representation experience, they do not specialise in a specific area. That is why most people prefer to hire a private criminal lawyer specialising in a particular area of criminal defence. For instance, if you are charged with insurance fraud, you want a lawyer that focuses on fraud law by your side.

Case History

Experience plays a significant role when choosing a criminal lawyer, and it all boils down to case history. What type of criminal cases has a potential lawyer handled? Some criminal attorneys only take high profile and complex criminal cases, while others only go for the opposite. As such, your objective is to find a lawyer who stands a higher chance of arguing your case to freedom. Therefore, it is best to hire a solicitor who has previously won high profile cases. It is especially the case if a prosecution team believes that there is overwhelming evidence against you. You can find out about a criminal lawyer's case history from their website or criminal law journals.

Reach out to a solicitor to learn more. 


16 October 2020

Broken Crockery: Focus On Finances Instead Of Throwing Plates

I work as a counsellor for couples going through a divorce. Obviously this is an emotional time and it is often a miracle that I manage to coax the former partners into the same room. There are two themes which occur regularly in my work. The first is that my clients often confess to throwing plates at each other. The second is the amount of money the divorce is costing because they cannot come to an agreement. Over the years, I have learnt that satisfied divorcees spend more time getting legal advice and making sound financial decisions than throwing crockery. In the course of my work, I have gained a considerable understanding of legal issues related to divorce. I share this blog in the hope that this knowledge will help you make sound decisions that lead to future happiness. I wish you all the best.